Thursday, October 21, 2010

I read a blog today. It was not about me. It was not about you. It, to me, seemed to be about US.

I normally just pass on articles that I assume will be more easily accepted by everyone because they are written by “experts”. They must be experts because these articles were published in various journals or magazines. While they usually share a part of my point of view, often I disagree with potions of the writing. I post and I have very few readers at this site. I have found that the “blogesphere” leans more often to the liberal view. Notice I didn’t say “side”.

What I have noticed is that in no period in history have we, as Americans, been herded into “different sides”. My belief is that this has been by design not by accident. I have noticed that people that would normally have a varied stance on issues have changed certain views, because the majority of their assigned “side” disagrees with that particular view. I wonder if anyone of you knows anyone like that. This is the real danger. Varied opinions are the backbone of a free society. The freedom to have these thoughts and let these thoughts be known. Here is a TEST. Until recently have you or anyone you know thought or spoke the thought, “I wonder if I should say that?” Lately,I have to confess I have.

I am not on the Republican “side” as a lot of my friends suggest. I am not on the Democrat “side” either. I am on “OUR” side. Mine and yours. We have a battle in front of us. No, not the election. Our battle is making sure that the people that we entrust with our government, we trust. It is “OUR” government. Not theirs. We MUST insure they are TRUTHFUL with US, the owners of our county(ies).

My goal is to write more about my opinion on this site. BUT, just as important, you are welcome to express your opinion. My intent is not to argue, edit or change anyone’s mind, but to use what I think are examples that formed my opinion. I am not an “expert” anointed by some publisher or government official because of some favor that I have passed on. My college major was Economics/Business and my whole adult career has been in the business field along with owning my own business. I feel like I am one of the most fortunate people I have ever known. This comes from many factors but one of them is living in one of the greatest countries and states in the world. I sure hope my kids and grandkids get to experience the same opportunity.


1 comment:

  1. I love other lay people's opinions and I look forward to reading yours Glen. You sound fair and honest. I would rather real people opinions than media.........:-) Hugs


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